Friday, December 18, 2009

My pup 'Muffin'

My puppy Muffin
Looks like a puffin

He's a Golden Retriever
And a stress reliever

He doesn't sleep on his bed
When he sleeps he looks like he's dead.

He's five months old
Doesn't know what's cold.

He was born in 2009
And he is only mine.


  1. Hi Niharika, I am Reeta, your mom's friend from college and University. I just went through all your writings. They are all amazing pieces of work!!! I have a daughter, Aastha. She is of your age and in Grade 4. She also enjoyed reading all your writings. she would like to be your penpal, she says. I hope you would be o.k with that. She will write to you soon. Lots of love and blessings. Reeta.

  2. Dear Neharika, I am Aastha. My favourite food is Pasta. I am 9 years old. You are the same age as me, my mother told. I would like to be your friend and I am not going to pretend. I know you are different from others but do you have a brother? I am the only child and sometimes my family gets wild! I wish I can have a puppy like yours but my mom says it bores.
    Enough for now, do you have an E-Mail ID? Mine is -
    Pl. put me in your file and always remember to smile.
    Your penpal
    Aish. (Aastha)
